Friday, 1 February 2013

Title Sequence

As mentioned in my analysis of the title sequence of Cirque du Freak, the point of a title sequence is to introduce elements of the plot, show the genre and to tell the audience the above the line and below the line talent in the film. It also sets the mood, tone and pace for the rest of the film, as does the opening sequence. A good title sequence needs to be relevant to the film, and visually engaging enough that the audience want to watch the film.

For our title sequence we wanted to create the idea of a police investigation into the death of the character 'Evelyn' in the opening sequence. We decided that our title sequence would play separately at the end of the opening sequence, creating an graphic match of the last shot in the opening sequence of a dead body on the floor of the woods, fading into the same picture of the body on the backing of a police investigation file. We then decided the rest of the cast and characters would be shown as suspects, their pictures showing up as though they were in a line up with their names appearing underneath. This relates to the film as throughout the characters are trying to find out who the killer is, and the idea of a police investigation matches this. 

By using to find a wider variety of fonts, I looked for one that would be best suited for our film that I could use in our title sequence. As our film is a thriller, and we wanted the idea of an investigation I looked at font that looked fairly blotchy and like it was from a typewriter as I felt that it matched the theme of our sequence, matching the idea of the police case files and at the same time looked official.

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